A must-have app for me
This review is waaay ovedue, as I’ve been using BetterSnap quite happily for over a year now.
More often than not, I have several windows open at once when working on my computer—for dragging and dropping or copying files between folders or hard drives, or comparing contents of different folders. I’m also an organization freak so the ability to have an orderly desktop is a must.
I love the easy drag-and-snap feature that allows me to quickly choose the size and location of windows, and the ability to create custom snap areas has become an invaluable feature, as well. My productivity has increased while using BetterSnap so much so that it’s on the shortlist of apps that I immediately reinstall after wiping my drive or moving to a new computer.
Can’t recommend it enough for those who need to view several windows at once, or simply like their desktop to look neat and tidy.
ursaah about
BetterSnapTool, v1.6.1